Tuesday, April 3, 2007

My Imagination

From the Indianapolis Star:

Bruised high-rise ready for new look
April 2, 2007

The owners of One Indiana Square, which lost large sections of its façade in a major windstorm last spring, today showed off plans for a new skin on the building.
Today is the one-year anniversary of the storm that caused heavy damage to the exterior of the 36-floor office building.
The repairs will update the 38-year-old structure with a contemporary design, said Todd Maurer, principal of Halakar Real Estate, the firm that leases the building.

“Our main objective was to make upgrades that would stand the test of time both architecturally and in design,” Maurer said in a news conference today.

Construction begins in June. About a thousand people work in the building and will continue to have normal access during the two-year project.

“The completed One Indiana Square will appear more vertical, introducing a new geometry to the Indianapolis skyline,” a statement from Halakar said.

“The new energy-efficient curtain wall will cover the tower in glass, stainless steel and metal and add a fresh appeal to the northeast quadrant downtown.”

Can you imagine the outcry if this were happening in Fort Wayne?

"The building looks just fine"

"The storm made it look even better"

"I HATE the new color"

"Why don't we spend that money on industrial jobs?"

"It's blocking my view of the highway"


Anonymous said...

Can you imagine the outcry in Indianapolis if the new facade was being paid for by the taxpayers instead of the owners of the building?

Anonymous said...

Taxpayers paying to improve their city? Say it isn't so!

Anonymous said...

What are taxes for?

xeno said...

it would have been more than adequate to just leave the building how it was