Thats right. Dont change it at all. Theres no sense replacing good surface parking with buildings. We need to be tearing down buildings to make surface parking, not tearing up surface parking to make buildings! Its ridiculous and illogical. We need more surface parking if we're suppose to go downtown anywhere. What are these people thinking!?
How about clearing out more room for a giant cement pond? Maybe that'll stop people from going to the lakes...
Change Fort Wayne,
Awesome blog. I have found myself laughing out loud.
I actually think I have posted at least once already.
I have no idea who you are but I am making the assumption that you are part of the 20-30 something generation that is having a significant impact on the Harrison Square issue.
Sam Talarico, Jr.
I'm happy to see you have tempered your exuberance with careful contemplation.
I just heard about this site from a neighbor down the road in my sub-division. Wow, I have to say. I read some of your blogs and can't believe you guys actually live here!! I really think things are going well for Fort Wayne. For a lot of us, we love the fact that everything is so convenient here. I can go and get everything I need within only 5 minutes of my house. I think this is part of what attracts many to this great city! Ample parking where ever i go. I'm in and out so I can get home to my family. Its the main reason we moved here from Indianapolis. Traffic can be a problem around 4 PM here, but nothing like those big city's. And I think it helps the fact we don't have everything concentrated in one downtown area. When everything is in one area, it causes big traffic problems and way too many people in the same place. I think our current economy is going great. Do you guys watch the news at all? President Bush has said it is his main priority to keep jobs in America. I believe his word and think our industry and factories will stay here. I just couldnt be happier living here, my son and daughter are getting good educations and are learning good morals in a great midwestern city free of crime and poverty. I'm just curious, if you guys dont like what's going on here, why do you live here?
-Arlington Park Resident
We live here because we like it the way it is, not the way Sam T wants it to be.
I bet people in the 1800's liked the way it was too. Thankfully that didn't stop advancement. Heard of cars, planes, interstates, air conditioning, electricity, women voting, equality for all races, etc. etc?
A. Park resident -
I've got a tee time in about 5 minutes, so I leave a long post.
But I did want to say something about your "traffic" problem at 4pm.
This is me scoffing at your traffic problem.
Dear Arlington Park Resident,
Nobody loves Fort Wayne anymore than me. However, we would be blind not to realize that Fort Wayne has some problems to deal with. We are at 80% of the national average wage? This was not the case just 20 years ago. We have a brain drain problem that needs addressed. In 2007, the jobs follow the people, not the other way around.
The guys on this site are just poking a little fun at Fort Wayne's reputation of not being very receptive to change. Nothing wrong with laughing at yourself once in a while!
Just because we want some change in the community does not mean we dont love our city.
Sam T.
I love Fort Wayne, and hope to come back at some point.
However, I find myself laughing, often very hard, at some of the arguments people have against anything progressive in this town.
The majority of my friends from Fort Wayne (young, college educated 20-somethings) feel the same way and that is why most of them no longer call Fort Wayne home.
A. Park resident
Alright, I'm back and ready to battle.
First to address your industry and factory jobs. check out -
nuff said.
Secondly - I love Fort Wayne. I went away to college and decided to come back because I felt that Fort Wayne small enough where I could get involved and make some sort of an impact, but large enough I wouldn't be bored. I am a firm believer that Fort Wayne has great potential and opportunity is abundant. Fort Wayne has suffered from worrying about spending money, causing us to SETTLE. We settle for 'just enough' or things that are adequate. Because of this we suffer from an adequacy complex.
Fort Wayne is a great city, sure, but if we keep saying no to these great opportunities and refuse to take steps to reach our potential they will just stay those - unmet potential and lost opportunities.
Starting your career in Fort Wayne has been tricky, as a young professional I would like to change companies every 5 years or so (drive up the base pay). If the opportunities to advance in my career are not in Fort Wayne, much like others I know, I will be forced to leave.
Your last statement is pretty alarming though, and you are not the only one that has expressed this opinion of "If you don't like it, then leave." Has Fort Wayne always been so warm and welcoming? Its pretty much the sentiment Fort Wayne has towards change.
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