Friday, October 12, 2007

My former mayor talks kelty

click HERE to see the video

Former mayor Paul helmke talks about how kelty's loss of souders support is a big issue and is hurting the campaign. the interview lasts for a few minutes at least and helmke provides some pretty in depth analysis

Kan Kelty Konvince souder or other republicans to come back into the Kelty fold? maybe he can woo them with a Kake or put their face on some toilet paper?


Anonymous said...

If Kelty somehow gets elected, does the City Council have the authority to impeach him?

Kevin Knuth said...

I do not believe so.

If Matt Kelty gets elected, he can only be removed from office if he is CONVICTED (or pleads) to a Felony.

Anonymous said...

Watch the "un-cut" interview of Kelty on I can't believe this guy is serious.

Anonymous said...

Helmke was fairly polite and matter-a-fact about this.

Of course, to Kelty supporters he's just part of the "establishment," which Helmke tried to hint at.

The notion of any concrete "establishment" is delusional. In any institution there are legacy member that represent a sort-of conservatism, or reluctance to change. The establishment, however, in this situation is not acting as a anti-Kelty operative. If Kelty was playing right, in other words, they would support him.

It unbelievable, but Kelty's people are fight there very own legitimacy.

Anonymous said...

Any truth to the rumor that Kelty's mom is now backing off the supportive statements she made in her youtube video?

Anonymous said...

Kelty worked for Coats and Lugar and neither of them have showed their face. Very Very telling. Heck Lugar did a fundraiser in 99 and 03 for Buskirk if I remember correctly.

Anonymous said...

I hope neither Coats nor Lugar lower themselves to this guys level. They have worked hard for years to garner the respect they have and to back Kelty now would diminish this well earned respect. This goes beyond R or D now. We have to get the best possible person in as Mayor to run this city and Kelty fails on every single level.

David C Roach said...

reply to anon 12:55 :GIGGLE!
thats truly funny.
what isnt funny is that the kelty campaign has been reduced to late night talk show jokes- like Larry Craig- the latest.
Souders Judgement? beleiving Dobson's assertion that the chinese eat fetuses as a "delicacy"? stir fryed fetuses, anyone? a little soy sauce for yours? Souder needs to take a WOK!!!
Or Souders assertion in the WACO Koresh aftermath hearings, something about "the only thing I see Koresh did wrong was having sex with consenting minors"
Isnt Warren Jeffs in prison for something like that? I thought the term for sex with consenting minors was called statutory rape, or child molesting. what a maroon, ad bugs bunny would say.
Or what about souders McFlat Tas? theres a big difference between Mc Donalds, and Mcdonnell douglas.
Or his January (1997-1998?) vote over a defense appropriations bill; that put US troops under UN/Nato Commanders in Bosnia?

Lets not forget the global ridicule over souders stubborn War on drugs- Marijuana, especially.
what has souder been smoking? or is he just "off on some kind of natural High/trip"?

and then for Helmke- UNconstitutional gun grabber Demagogue, speaking about souders "Credibility" and Judgement? but what a gig- anytime someone gets shot, in a national news story, or anything involving a black /white/shootout/etc; Jackson, Sharpton, and Helmke; and the NRA are the go-to guys for the ABC/CBS/NBC/CNN/ News analysis- that shows either true media whoredom, or true genius- Britney spears kills k-fed over child battle- what do you say paul? well...thats a tricky topic. guns..women...pms... drugs... alcohol...domestic...children...
bla bla bla- time to run for a know? prime time, any time, all the time- he's got more name recognition than Fred Hompson, and Pauls an actor too?
If Helmke had any sense, he wouldnt be touching that with a 10 foot pole, other than the free face time- except to say yes, or no- that he vote for matt, or not. what was paul smoking in the 60's?
I notice Helmke didnt publicly say he'd support Kelty in any way.

but like him or not(politically)- helmke is now telling it like it is, mostly. There is no joy in mudville- Mighty Kelty has Struck out.

Anonymous said...

Kelty isn't running as a candidate supported by Souder, despite the campaign materials he sent out last week. I believe this, because Matt said so. He's never lied before. Why would he start lying now?

Anonymous said...

If you go to Kelty's website - Souders is the very first endorsement shown.

Liar, liar, pants on fire! Hanging on a telephone wire.

The juvenile Kelty Klub will understand this little rhyme.

Anonymous said...

Matt probably did not 'endorse' the mailer that went out from the Kelty Krazy Kamp this week...The mailer that touted Souder's endorsement?
He probably did not commission it, nor print it and I am pretty sure it was before he saw it.

Anonymous said...

Make the it was 'mailed' before he saw it.

Anonymous said...

I think this could be a problem. Roach is making sense.

Anonymous said...

Quite possibly the most ridiculous thing ever said by a former Mayor. "Kelty needs to get Fred Thomspon or Rudy Guliani in here"

I can here this phone call now "Rudy, would you mind taking time off the presidential campaign trail to come to fort wayne to assist the embattled 9 x indicted radical prolife candidate?, Oh thank you, we will book a room for you at the Hoot's"

Absolutely ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

anan. 11:43

I thought the exact same thing. I can't imagine anyone coming to Keltys defense. What is his defense? Sorry - I'm just stupid?

Anonymous said...

My favorite quote relating to Cake-Gate. Marvin Hoot (husband of the baker) telling the journal gazette that he does not want to be involved. Not involved! Mr. Hoot was lickin the beaters!

Anonymous said...

My question is---if Souder hadn't retracted his endorsement after he gave it, doesn't that mean he endorsed him?

I don't like or trust Souder so his opinion/endorsement meant nothing.

Anonymous said...

Eat my Kake, Kelty!!!! No way I am voting for this tool! He lies and then plays the religion card. I think he needs to take a look at the 10 commandments again...