Saturday, October 6, 2007

My Exclusive Preview

Its been leaked that Hardball Capital will be stepping up the free goods given out at games when the wizards take the field at Harrison Square. Due to the adversity the project has gone though, the inaugural season will be checkered with freebie days of the "Negativity Series" of bobbleheads.

3000 of the JBK series have been ordered for opening day.

The bobble features the first ever side to side action, as if to say, "NOOOOOOOOOOOO."

Can't take the credit for the idea, but the masterful imagery is all me.


Anonymous said...

It's a Boondoggle Bobblehead Bonanza!

Anonymous said...


J Q Taxpayer said...

I hope they give them away the first game. At least then I can say HS gave me something!

Then again I would never have thought Parkview would purchase a suite knowing full well they push people into bankrutpcy in trying to pay their hospital bill.

I wonder how many people had to sale thier homes and move into an apartment in order for Parkview to clear enough money to pay for the suite.

I am already waiting for someone to take a shot at this. Bring it on and I will argue you by point by point, with facts.

Anonymous said...

Boondogglehead ??

Anonymous said...

Boondogglehead! Yes!

Anonymous said...

Can we get an AWG bobble head too ?

Anonymous said...


We will debate you when you learn English..."I wonder how many people had to sale thier homes..." You should go sale something and go back and get your g.e.d. Fyi...Parkview and Lutheran have had suites at the Coliseum for that fine with you or not? Next thing you will complain that the cost of a car is too high because of marketing dollars. FYI-soda and beer that you have been buying your entire life is mostly water!

Change Fort Wayne said...

JQ - I have no idea what hospitals have to do with a bobblehead doll.

Also, health insurance? Or was elective surgery not covered?

Anonymous said...

Give me SYLVESTER!!! or give me death

J Q Taxpayer said...

Anom, sorry for my writing skills being diminshed but after having a stroke over a year ago it is one of the things I suffer from.

I was lucky as I had great insurance and what was left I paid from my savings acount. I had no idea what happened to people who returned to work but still have debts to pay. I never thought about it.

Then a friend of mine all of sudden had his home up for sale. I knew he had been in the hospital like five or six months before. I asked him why he was selling?

He said it was because of medicals bills that had added up over the last three years. Some came from a child, some from his wife, and the last from himself.

He had wiped out his savings account and cashed out his retirement fund. He had nothing left.

The collection company Parkview sent the bills to wanted more money a month then he could pay. He said he had a mortage, untilities, auto insurance and could not pay what the collection company wanted. I know his cars are like ten years or older.

He tried to get a 2nd mortage on his house but no one would loan him the money because of the hospital and other medical bills. It was a catch 22!

So he could not take the pressure and they decided to sale their home. They did and moved into an apartment.

Yes, he did have insurance that was not bad but not great either from the way it sounds.

I never believed things like this could happen here in the United States, let alone here in Fort Wayne. But it does, and it will only get worse.

As for Luthern I have no comment because they are a for profit business. They are not a nonprofit like Parkview.

I could care less what Parkview or Luthern has done in the past. I just do not think it is right that a suite is purchased on the backs of people who tried their best to pay their bills.

Again, I am sorry for my writing skills but I will continue to write my thoughts. If you care not to read them is your right and I hold nothing against you.

John B. Kalb said...

I like - can you have them order 40 more so I can distribute to my close friends? I especially like the "side-to-side" action. John B. Kalb
ps: You have added another 10 years to my life with the belly laughs I got when I saw this post!

Change Fort Wayne said...

John -
I'm honestly glad you enjoyed this post.

J Q Taxpayer said...


I guess what tripped off the emotional outburst about Parkview was something that happened today regarding the company that does their collections. It included a conversation I overheard a friend having with some person at Parkview.

Would I change my thoughts with regards to Parkview and a suite? No!

But you are right it had nothing to do with the bobblehead. But I will take three if they are autographed. Two to put a way and one to to send to the Harrison Square Hall Of Fame.... LOL

Anonymous said...

Glad to see JBK took the ribbing well.

This was a funny post, CFW.

More CFW, less Park or Die. Please!

Anonymous said...

I would like to see a three headed bobble doll of the status quo gang, Smith, Shoaff and Schmidt