Tuesday, July 17, 2007

My More Money Mo Problems

According to the Federal Elections Commission, Michael Montagano (Democratic Opponent to Mark Souder) raised over $100,000 during the last fundraising quarter.

Looks like Rep. Lighthouse might be in for another battle.


Anonymous said...

Who is this guy? I have never heard of him.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, looks like Montagano got most of his money from personal loans from himself and his family.

Shouldn't Andy Downs or Kevin Knuth be frothing at the mouth over this and demanding Montagano's records be made public?

Anonymous said...

The difference is that he has disclosed who and where the money came from.

The problem with Kelty was the loans were initially filed as being from Kelty himself, and then later revealed to be from supporters to who loaned money to Kelty the person, who then loaned it to Kelty the candidate. Subtle but very important difference.

Anonymous said...

Montagano disclosed all his information. Kelty did not. That's why a grand jury is investigating him.

Dan Turkette said...

Get it right Anon.

a). Kelty borrowed the money.
b). Rost in exchange got a prommisory note.
c). Kelty loaned the money (now his) to the campaign committee.

Of course Montagano disclosed, do you think he doesn't read the news?

Anonymous said...

Also, speaking of disclosure, I see that a complaint has been turned over to the prosecutor regarding the failure to disclose items re Harrison Square.

As long as we have a grand jury convened, after they're finished with Kelty maybe we can march the City Council in.

Anonymous said...

Matt Kelty recently pontificated about property tax reform. He complained that local government borrows and spends too much money. Of course, he's right. But after he personally borrowed and spent $150,000 that he knew he had no way of paying back, why should I trust him to solve the problem of government spending?

Critics of Harrison Square, including Kelty, complain that local government is withholding information and failing to be forthcoming with details. Of course, they're right. But after his lack of transparency and candor about his campaign financing and the financing of the Zogby poll, why should I trust Kelty to tell me the truth once he's in office?

Speaking of polls, perhaps most important of all is the need for true leadership in the mayor's office. He haven't had it in years. We need leaders who are unafraid to speak the truth before checking to see which way the political wind is blowing. With the political cover of a poll, Kelty spoke boldly about Harrision Square. But with the FWCS building issue, a proposed expenditure that dwarfed Harrision Square, Kelty was silent. And to add insult to injury, he's an architect. This was his area of expertise yet he remained mum when he could have provided leadership. Of course, as soon as the remonstrance was over and he knew which way the wind had blown, he had lots to say. Suffice it to say that based on his personal example, again, I can't trust him to have the courage to lead.

At some point, even his sycophants and apologists will see that their poster boy for a "different kind of government" is just another say-anything-for-a-vote politician. Ultimately, Kelty's hypocrisy will be his undoing.

Anonymous said...

Kelty has misled the public on his poll and his loan.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous - I think this deserves to be written as an editorial to the Ft Wayne Newspapers .... please consider it - it wraps up very nicely the issue with Matt Kelty

Anonymous said...

The newspapers won't accept an anonymous letter. CFW is the place for cowards (and Roach) to rant.

Bill jeffries

Anonymous said...

Don't hate the messenger, Bill. Can you refute the content of the rant?

Anonymous said...

I agree. Nicely written. Please submit it to the newspapers.

Anonymous said...









Anonymous said...

Roach speaks, CFW allows it. That's real professional content folks.

David C Roach said...

sorry about the lengthy post- this isnt a sound byte topic.
thank you CFW- MY favorite blog(bet I say that to all the bloggers? giggle!)
hey- lighten up. Dont support the 1st amendment, like CFW does? I'm blacklisted about everywhere else, because I'm the kid in the crowd that tells the emporer he isnt wearing any clothes? I'm blackballed by the local employers, because i'm on the high end of the bell-curve.

So I'm not a sheep. I'm not a coward- I have more active duty time in than : President bush, Dan Quayle, Bill clinton, Barack Obama, Newt gingrich, and a host of others.
So I'm a Menace- Like Dennis
Kucinich. Listen to what he has to say, open your mind, instead of the
brainwashed masses of sheep, who march like good little Nazis, lockstep down the conservative talkradio blvd.

I'm semi-retired for now from politics, and everything else. but I'm still going to "rant" as you call it. I call it joining in the civic conversation, at the open soapbox.
I have my own blog:
but I also post on others blogs, to put a uniquely alternative POV out there- the independent, irreverent, not PC opinion- I say what needs to be said, usually with humor.
If Google is a play on words of the number "GOOGOL", a "giggle" is merely a humorous device I Invented; like LOL, or ROTFL, or LMAO. a Giggle sounds sorta like "google". a GIG is either a musician/artists job du jour; or a measurement of a Hard drive capacity. If software is "roached"; its toast.
so a gigabyte of giggles is a lot of laughs.
I can be serious, when the need arises, but I'm sick and tired of being Dour,dull, and conformist.
I think they call that the "creative class". or in my case- creatively classless.
If I can make you laugh, I've already gotten inside your head. Its easy to think, but its harder to make a person laugh. an aquired skill- the bully wont beat you up, if hes giggling. or if he has to stop and think - HEY BIFF- whats that? POW, then run like hell- that works too. Fortune favors the prepared mind.
Besides, its so much fun, swoing anarchy into the elite ruling classes- watching them run around like headless chickens, putting out my brushfires. or plaigerizing my good ideas- which being the altruistic civic minded good little small n-nazi- I am happy to see the powers adopt.Now if I could get some respect
Thank you CFW, for your tolerance, patience, and humor.
and the imposter Roach, with the fun Haiku. Maybe I should hawk up some Haiku too? naaaa.

Anonymous said...

It looks like Montagano has been getting alot of grief for his own contribution and family contributions to his campaign. Also looks like you guys established without a doubt that his contribution was legal. I learned alot from reading your posts.

I am still confused why his personal contribution would be seen as a negative at all though. If I were starting up a small business I would invest my own money and would expect that my core investors would be comprised of my family. I know that politics differs from small business dramatically but I think it shows that he is committed. Lets see if he can keep up the momentum in the next quarter.

Thanks for your informative posts.