Do these people want me to think they are as backward as possible? Do they want me to think smokers are illiterate? Please someone help me! WHY HAS NO ONE ATTACKED THIS YET? This is yet another reason to support our school upgrades, maybe we can afford new spelling books.

It does seem to diminish one's argument when no one in your group appears to be able to spell a pretty easy-to-spell word.
Yes, let's listen to the people who took the time to make up signs without taking the time to do a simple spell check first
Steve Shine should be all over this.
What do they hope to accomplish with these posters?
What... Thats not how you spell it?
I remember when the authorities banned open-air tire burning. It had similar resistance. Townfolk claimed their freedom to burn old worn out tires in the open was their god given right. Oh the days when one could see for miles the cloud of thick, black smoke rising into the air from an old tire roast. How quickly our freedoms are being taken away from us.
Did I read that correctly -- "ask your BARTENDER for a voter registration card"?! I don't live in Ft. Wayne anymore, but I never knew you could register to vote at a bar. Lovely.
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