When's the last time the big opponents of ED (the new phrasing for Eminent Domain, get your mind out of the gutter) have toured the places purchased up for the future Harrison Square? Take a drive through Ewing and McClellan - you'll probably want to drive, not walk. Do this and then come back and tell me what we will be missing if Sam T. and I go through with wrecking balls.
Also, 1.45 Million for a liquor store? 2.4 Million for a restaurant? 1.5 Million for a preschool? We are talking about the 46802 zip code. This sounds like a great deal to me... for the businesses. Take the time and search the '02 zip code on loopnet. Its amazing what one could by for 2.4 million dollars. If I ran Bill's palace - I'd be laughing all the way to the bank. Better yet, put 400k into a new building downtown and take the 2 million and start talking naming rights for the new ball park. The Castle? Not anymore, its the Palace. Take that ED.

Me - after my land deals go through.
I'm confident that Tom Druley is anything but upset with the check he has certainly already cashed from the sale of that sad old liquor store downtown.
Of course the only store that was seized via ED was Belmont - the rest were purchased on the open market JUST LIKE BELMONT SHOULD HAVE BEEN.
It's inexcusable for the government to force the sale of one property only to gift it to another property owner.
I'm not sure how anyone could disagree w/ that sentiment. Are you suggesting you're actually FOR the government seizing private property only to redistribute it to whomever they wish?
The only reason Mr. Druley put up the fight that he did was to attempt to drive up his take. Tom has never struck me as a man who attaches much sentimental value o his liquor empire. Heck, he fires and demotes long-standing employees so he does not have to give them raises. I would wager to say that any one of his properties is available for sale at any given time.
Howver, Mr. Pruitt, I do agree with your stance that it is outside the reach of government to take property by way of bureaucratic swindle.
The city could have purchased it while only suggesting eminent domain. Such as:
City: "We would like to buy your land from you."
Land Owners: "Really? Neat, I don't know if I want to sell though."
City: "Here is our tender offer, it is equal to or more than the assessed value. By the way, we do have the option of eminent domain."
Land Owners: "Gee whiz, alright then, thank you for the money."
Jeff Pruitt sums it up well...
Ed was not used recently...
Mike Sylvester
Your scenario is hardly better than seizing it through ED in the first place. Luckily for all business owners the local government is now more hamstrung in how it may seize property. BTW, many thanks to Mike S. for going to the state legislature and fighting this battle...
Watch out...FWCS might be trying to get their piece of all this "Special-ED" pie!
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