Tuesday, July 12, 2011
My News Station
For example, here is a headlining news story in Fort Wayne, listed under "Local News":
Free Slurpees
Just a note, the closest 7-11 to us in Fort Wayne is 45 minutes away in Osceola.
Also, notice the link, "Free-Slurpees-come-with-a-twist-They-may-cost-you" - What is the twist? What is going to cost me?
This ranks up there with the "Local News" section including who was dismissed from "Dancing With The Stars"
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
My Demolition
Journal Gazette conveniently leaves the house out of this weekends article about Fort Wayne's link to the Civil War HERE
ARCH has made an attempt at saving the house, but was only allowed a few weeks to arrange for moving it.
They had a letter to the editor HERE
Another parking lot for downtown Fort Wayne. Citizens rejoice!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
My Half-Asses Fix
My Auto-Spell Correct
"Firm to Asses" - nice work
Saturday, March 12, 2011
My Well-Being
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
My Confusion-Angry White Boy and Hitler
My Kudos
Democratic Mayor Tom Henry received some warm words from an unexpected source last week – Rush Limbaugh.
And it’s all about Harry Baals.
Limbaugh on Friday read from a letter the mayor sent to the talk show host.
“The people of Fort Wayne are still chuckling about your send-up of our community, our former mayor, Harry Baals, and our search for a name for our new local government center. We love the joke.”
Henry invited Limbaugh to Fort Wayne, sent some info about the city – and included a T-shirt that reads: “You already know Fort Wayne has Baals. Come see our other assets.”
Limbaugh discussed his visit to the city to play golf, though he couldn’t remember the year (1999), the name of the pro-am (the Mad Anthonys) or where it was played (Fort Wayne Country Club).
“We just had a great time,” Limbaugh said. “What a great letter. It’s a great T-shirt.”
Thursday, February 24, 2011
My Lawbreaker
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
My Lugar Backer: Steve Shine

"Declaring that "It is bipartisanship that has brought us to the brink of bankruptcy," Indiana Treasurer Richard Mourdock kicked off his Republican primary challenge to U.S. Sen. Dick Lugar Tuesday morning. Mourdock cited the "lame duck" session of Congress last December and Lugar's role in successfully pushing for the START Treaty and the Dream Act that triggered his decision to run. "I was amazed at the lame duck session," Mourdock told a couple hundred supporters at the Indianapolis Artsgarden. "He's known for his bipartisanship." Mourdock announced the endorsements of Republican county chairmen in 67 of Indiana's 92 counties. But missing were the urban counties of Marion, Hamilton, Allen, Hendricks, St. Joseph, Johnson and Porter where Lugar is expected to run stronger."