Wednesday, September 5, 2007

My Hurt

Fort Wayne hurt most by job losses, study shows

"What are you going to build in this downtown area? NOTHING!!"


Anonymous said...

yes, we need to demand more factory jobs because theyve WORKED SO WELL FOR US

the world is changing all around you fort wayne while you think you can just keep on keepin' on with what worked in the past

not gonna work

John B. Kalb said...

Anonymous 12:33 So your solution is to "man" a bb stadium with min. wage jobs for 70 days per year, min. wage jobs in retail sales, plus some more min wage jobs working in a new hotel. WOW!! Then we will be right UP-TO- DATE with what the world is changing to !! We can hardly wait. John B. Kalb

Anonymous said...

i said nothing of HS kalby boy. the original poster made a mention about downtown. dont let your hate of HS cause you to make assumptions

the fort wayne economy needs to diversify and to embrace a knowledge based economy, not a low skill economy (i.e. your beloved factories) for which jobs are easily moved overseas

Anonymous said...

"It's like you tell somebody, 'I'm going to take your left arm, your right leg, a couple of organs ... and you're going to function.' Well, you're going to function differently."

Looks like this city must have lost it's brain.

Anonymous said...

The City of Fort Wayne is HOSTILE to business.

1.) First City Council tells restaurants they must create separate smoking facilities at the owner's expense, only to return 6 years later and dictate a city wide ban. The ultimate "screw you" to business.

2.) The smoking ban forced untold number of businesses to close. We may never know how many employees lost jobs.

3.)T J Maxx wanted to bring 800+ jobs to the abandoned GE plant (employees didn't even need to speak English!), but were told they weren't the "right kind" of jobs. Maybe not, but tell that to the growing immigrant communities who would eagerly accept them, and turn around an eyesore in the downtown area.

4.) Our elected city officials don't respect the will of the people and pass laws contrary to the majority opinion. If city residents don't have a voice, neither do businesses.

Message to businessowners: Why come here when you can go anywhere else without the headache?

Change Fort Wayne said...

Although I agree FW does not make it easy for businesses to come here, but that GE claim is bogus. I urge you to take a walk through the building and start to estimate how much work and money it would to turn that place into a viable workplace. The place is a brownfield right now, the EPA would have bonanza writing up things that need to change.

Also, the smoking thing - its called progress and you'd have to be crazy to not think a statewide ban isn't right around the corner.