Saturday, April 7, 2007

My Shock IV

Wow. Pat White is still my hero.

We should play his commentary to any company wanting to re-locate to Fort Wayne.

He should be giving the commencement speech at every high school in Fort Wayne. He will inspire every graduate to get the hell out of here.

He is a great spokesman for our great city.

On a more serious note, everyone needs to listen to Mayor Richard's remarks at the beginning. He truly cares about this city.

Pat White Audio

Thanks to the Downtown Baseball Blog for providing the audio.


Old Fort 83 said...

It is quite obvious that Mayor Richard cares about the future of Fort Wayne. "The risk is to do nothing." Yep. Unfortunately "Do nothing" is the creed of some of these people. That's a shame.

LP Mike Sylvester said...

I actually think the Mayor gave a pretty good speech as well...

Lets hope that he comes around and decides to look for something besides a Single A baseball Stadium to improve Downtown.

Mike Sylvester

Park or Die said...


Would you be for the baseball stadium if it were 100% privately financed?

Anonymous said...

Mike, why do you always so conveniently leave out the other three aspects of H. Square (Condos, Retail and Hotel)?

John Good said...

Every time someone has an idea to improve Fort Wayne, the response always seems to be "It was good enough for me, my parents, and my parent's parents - harumph!" or "We don't have to be like anyone else".

You know what - give this a chance. If it fails, you get YEARS worth of "I told ya so's". If it works, you get years of much more. . .

What are you afraid of? ?

LP Mike Sylvester said...

Park or Die:

Of course I would be in favor of any project Downtown that is privately financed.

It is absurd to move our existing baseball stadium and for the taxpayers to pay for it in my opinion.


Why do you refuse to sing your posts?

Grow up and be willing to stand behind your posts.

I am against moving our baseball stadium.

I am against building a parking garage downtown as well, we have plenty of parking and people should be willing to walk.

Condos and retail our fine as long as they have minimal public financing.

Another hotel is silly as well. Our hotel occupancy rate is less then 50%.

Seriously, you should grow up and sign your posts.

John Good:

I am afraid of watching my tax dollars be flushed down the toilet when they could be better spent on other items that we actually need.

Mike Sylvester

Andrew Kaduk said...

"I am against building a parking garage downtown as well, we have plenty of parking and people should be willing to walk."

So you obviously don't drive in Fort Wayne much, Mike. My observations tell me that most people in Fort Wayne will drive around in circles for half an hour trying to find a "close spot" at the mall, Meijer, Wal Mart or wherever. I've watched people drive past open spots just to sit with their turn signals on waiting for someone else to load their groceries and leave a spot merely 50 feet closer to the door.

Mike, do you disagree that a parking garage is the most efficient means by which to handle parking? Surface parking is an incredible waste of real estate...and parallel metered spots are just crap (funny to watch, but not so funny when it's your car getting tinked by the idiots that can't seem to negotiate such things). A couple of parking garages would free up quite a bit of prime ground for downtown development.

Park or Die said...

Mike, I have heard you say many times that planning in this city is horrible.

Wouldn't you say a parking garage is good planning for the future?

Anonymous said...

Dean Says:

Richard is just using the baseball park to line his pockets with OPTION $. Someone is getting rich, not the city!