But honestly, can he be serious about the streets? I can practically floor my car down any of those streets I want. The one way streets he mentions have all timed lights, so traffic flows.
"double-decker freeways that are eight lanes wide" - he paints a pretty picture. FW - Picturesque views of Los Angeles like freeways.
Every Sunday evening as I wheel my “Richard Bin” to the curb for the Monday garbage pick-up, my mind focuses on the namesake of this monstrosity – Graham “I need a baseball stadium downtown” Richard. Perhaps we should be happy that his honor does not plan docking facilities for supertankers navigating up the St. Marys River.
I favor a more grounded and “concrete” use for the gazillion dollars the mayor wants to spend for Harrison Square: highways and freeways that will make getting around in this two-horse town quicker and easier, double-decker freeways that are eight lanes wide and really move traffic, not these ribbon like parking lots we have now, such as Coliseum Boulevard, Clinton Street, Lafayette Street, Spy Run, Washington Boulevard and Jefferson Boulevard. The Founding Fathers of “The Fort” never thought that two teams of horses would meet each other at the same time. Well, it’s 2007, not 1807, and time for change.
I don’t want overpriced hot dogs at a baseball stadium that won’t be used all of the time like new highways and freeways would. An economic spinoff: There’s a darn good company in town that produces cement mixers to help build the new freeway system. This city administration may think naught of my idea, that it is much too weighty an undertaking. But this writer thinks the citizens of this town are being thrown a wild curve on this subject.
Oh, my god. Try living somewhere with REAL traffic for a while. (I recently moved here from the Washington D.C. area.) Then come back to the Fort and try to complain. I dare you.
The only real traffic priority that I see in the area is to extend I-69's six lanes up north of Dupont Road, where I live. The traffic does bottle up there between exit 115 and 111 every weekday morning. But, its still going full speed... In D.C. it would back up for miles and go about 10 miles per hour...
Or how about Boston?
Good God I hate driving in Boston.
I left my rental car along the side of the road, called them and told them to come pick it up.
I then got in 2 different cab accidents in 2 days.
When I hear about "traffic" in Fort Wayne, it always gives me a good laugh.
Been to D.C. (and that treacherous BELTWAY) AND NYC (by car and motorcycle)...AND L.A...AND lived (and drove a lot) in Philly for all those years...
The "traffic" HERE is NOTHING like ANY of the cities I mentioned....it's actually a pleasure to get from *A* to *B*!
Hell, even I-69 (and I-469) is a lot less problematic to travel than I-95 or I-76.
Only problem is the mooks that TRIPLE-park on streets on the southside while talkin' to their homeys...!
(a nice CHROME horn would work wonders there)...lol!
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