There's a new poll out about Harrison Square. Surprise, BIG surprise, the poll did not reflect a popular opinion on Harrison Square. Mind blowing isn't it?
Take a look at the poll: Here and More Here
I'd like to say first off, that I do not know anyone in what I would call the key demographic 18-30 that actually has a LAN line that is needed for these people to call you. My cellphone isn't listed and my office phone isn't listed, so technically I am not really a FW resident to zogby.
Also, the poll fails to point out how many people were contacted in each age group. It only mentions the percentages of the age groups that approve and are against the project. So factually we could take a poll of 20 people aging from 18-34 and 8980 people that are older than that.
The Upset Caucasian also calls the older people 'seasoned veterans'. They've been saying their salutations to exiting companies for a while now, do we want to follow their opinion of what FW needs? Moreover, is it really a shock that your fixed income people are going to be PRO development? They are just trying to not rock the boat and keep the cheap standard of living FW has. Mr. Rousseau - a seasoned veteran, his vote is to AGAIN wait.
The new additions to the FW area support the project by a slim margin. I actually thought this number would have been higher, but I REALLY would have like to see what the favorable opinion of those who only have been here for 0-3 years. My guess is that most of those less than 10 year citizens are actually 6-9 year residents, because lets be honest - there exactly hasn't been a stampede to move to FW in the last 5 years.
Also, I'd like to take a look at the income stat. Its interesting on the lower and higher end of the spectrum. But also what is written is:
Oppose the project:
Income of less than $35K-$50K - 67.4%
Income of less than $50K-$75K - 52.2%
Income of less than $75K-$100K - 58.%
Could we clump these all together with the previous earnings bracket and say "income of less than 100K"? They are all 'less than' (again I say this is probably a posting error).
Having said this - I can't make anything out of this poll. Being commissioned by someone who is against the project throws a huge wrench into my perception of the results. I think there are just a few gapping holes in the results that probably could explain the numbers, OR I could be completely wrong and this accurately represents the opinion of FW.
Also, could someone point me to the actual poll results? I'd feel more confident if I could see them from somewhere else than a blog from a person's blog that has been trumpeting Kelty from the beginning.
IF HS is truly about the future, vitality, and for the young people of FW, why isn't there a poll where the pollster's first question is "Are you in the age group of 18 - 30?" And if the answer is no, then the response is, "Thank you for your time."
But that is just the opinion of a Red Single Middle Class 24 year old Male who's lived here off and on totaling for more than 10 years. It all gets a little diluted, doesn't it?
Matt Kelty lost my vote a long tome ago.
"My cellphone isn't listed and my office phone isn't listed, so technically I am not really a FW resident to zogby."
I will second that. The same thing can be said about the previous Journal Gazette/IndianasNewsCenter poll that was based on lan lines as well.
Why pay to poll people one month away from the final details??
This poll shows opposition to the plan has dropped around 20%
Obviously the information and discussions that have taken place within the past few months have made an impact on the public perception.
What would the results be after we all learned the actual final deal and financial figures?
I'm willing to bet more than 50% of 18-30 year olds do NOT have a lan line.
Im also willing to bet that less than 50% of 18-30 year olds pay the property tax that funds these projects.
The majority of people who seem to bear these costs are the ones who are opposed to it.
The second question in Kelty's press release is absolutely laughable. "Whether or not you are against the project, what part of the project are you MOST against" are you kidding me? [NONE OF THE ABOVE WAS NOT AN OPTION] Then Kelty adds up two of the columns and concludes %76 percent are against Ballpark and public financing.??? I dont know what is more alarming, if he came to this conclusion by mistake? or on purpose? Why didnt he just add up all of the columns and say 100% are against the Ballpark, public financing, parking garage and hotel??
This guy wants to be Mayor??
The property taxes being used are those of the TIF developments not residential properties.
"Then Kelty adds up two of the columns and concludes %76 percent are against Ballpark and public financing.??? I dont know what is more alarming, if he came to this conclusion by mistake? or on purpose?"
I agree 100 percent
I can't believe a poll would ask "which part are you MOST against?"
Who paid for this poll? No-one seems to know.
Pay attention - Kelty is about to rear his tarnished self soon. Seems not only was this poll rigged to his spin, he also mislead the statistics and in parallel released press trying to gain voters. Seems the good Christain values don't hold when it comes to politics for Matt Kelty.
Kelty is an idiot. Please come out against him.
I have secret information about the poll.
the call center was out of India.
the results were tallied in China.
the illegals here in fort wayne didnt press 1 for english.
there are no literate 18-30 year olds in fort wayne- they left for cancun, where the drinking age is 18, where all the drunk college girls are, and they dont have to register for the draft, nor pay outrageous property taxes.
If your fat, drunk, stupid, unemployed, and just laying around, you might as well lay around somewhere you can tan for free.
besides, with all the turnover in cell phone plans, nobody has a current number anyway.
but if you could just reach them- what a political advantage.
keep getting worse.
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