I ventured over to Mr. Kelty's website and was in complete shock.
The logo for the Kelty Kampaign features the skyline of downtown Fort Wayne. In fact, the light shining through the Lincoln Tower and One Summit Square looks to be an outfield light from a baseball stadium!
I previously thought Mr. Kelty was against anything that would help downtown. I remember him saying something about hardware stores downtown. I don't see any hardware store helping reverse the mass exodus of college grads from Fort Wayne.
Maybe I'm wrong.
You can't seriously expect that a baseball stadium that will be used 70 days a year to have any significant impact on the economy of downtown Fort Wayne. Unless you are counting the construction jobs to build it and the jobs in a few years to convert the stadium into something usefull for Fort Wayne.
The college boys at Change Fort Wayne are lining up for the peanut purveyor positions. Do that well, they get a shot at mascot tryouts.
"One shining moment"
Anyone who thinks building a new baseball stadium, hotel, and parking garage downtown will keep college graduates in Fort Wayen SHOULD move away...
Mike Sylvester
I, for one, do think a new baseball stadium with additional retail and adjoining condominiums will have a positive economic impact on downtown FW. This kind of development has been a long time coming. To kick a dead horse, the economy has changed and continues to change. The presentation Councilmen Talarico and Pape delivered at the Council meeting a few weeks ago centered on this idea. Having a downtown that is alive and thriving is crucial in determing whether or not a city survives. The individuals whom we, as a city, are trying to attract and retain, value the importance of this. If Fort Wayne doesn't make it happen, another city certainly will.
Mikey -
FW is not only trying to keep college graduates here, but they are trying to entice them to move here.
So you're saying nearly a third, if you go by the zogby poll, of the people here should move away from FW? How about all those business owners who speak passionately about the project? Thats not the Friendly Fort Wayne attitude I know - telling people to move away.
Anyone who thinks that status quo will keep college graduates in Fort Wayne SHOULD move far away
Condominiums work only if there are people able to afford them. This project seems to be targeting young professionals. I know very few young professionals who can afford a $200,000 condo. Those that can are more likely to buy a house.
Additional retail. There are 0 retail commitments at this time according to Jason Freier.
I'm not against Downtown revitalization. But I want my money to go for something that actually has a good chance of working.
Do you know how many economic development activities the city has conducted that have been successful from a financial standpoint? Zero. Every single one has defaulted on its finance package save one. That One is the Hilton and it was subsidized in a bailout by Lincoln Life.
Its nice to read you are for downtown revitalization. You want your money to go for something that actually has a good chance of working. I agree. I just happen to believe that Harrison Square will be a success. Would you mind sharing with me what other ideas you may have that would have an equal or greater impact on downtown FW other than HS ?
Overly harsh personal attacks will actually not be tolerated here at CFW. A Disagreement with politics or opinions is one thing, but comments about personal life is another. The Anonymous post, without the insult was:
What do you think will keep college graduates here? The whole point is to create an energetic atmosphere. ...., but asking people who want Ft. Wayne to move away is EXACTLY the attitude that makes Ft. Wayne old, crusty and tired.
Instead of his campaign sign saying the "Architect of a New Fort Wayne" shouldn't it say "Striving to Keep Things Just as They Are"? I don't know what it is new that Kelty brings to the table. They certainly aren't ideas of how to get things done.
No one at this blog is in college. We aren't "college boys." However, we did all go away to college, so if you are insulting that fact, that's pretty sad..the fact that someone from Fort Wayne would criticize people for going away for education isn't surprising, and that's truly sad. People like this are what is wrong with Fort Wayne. Stay the course, "anonymous."
Anyone that is happy with status quo in Fort Wayne needs to get out more often. Seriously, are you joking? Have you ever been outside the confines of Fort Wayne?
Can't afford a $200,000 condo (are they really even going to be that high? Midtowne condos are 60-70k)? Condos in major cities are $350,000 for a studio. I'm assuming this is for a 2 bedroom at minimum.
Get out more often. Seriously. Is Fort Wayne really trying to push out those that took the initiative to go out and get an education, or is this one or two isolated opinions? I hope the latter, for Fort Wayne's sake.
Yeah, let's never try anything progressive. I think we should now tell women they are no longer allowed to vote and that cars are no longer allowed on the roads.. horse and buggy only Fort Wayne. Sorry, but we don't want you getting those fancy cars and driving around like it's 1970.
"I think we should now tell women they are no longer allowed to vote"
Can we do that?
We can do it in Fort Wayne.
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