Thursday, June 21, 2007

My Editorials

More great editorials today, its great the newspapers print these up. Read HERE

The lesson of history: Don’t wait until there’s no one left to speak up

(A paraphrase of Martin Niemoeller’s great work)

First John Crawford and the health Nazis came for the smokers and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a smoker.

Then they trampled on the rights of business owners and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a business owner.
Then they came for the social drinkers and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a social drinker.
Then they came for people who eat fast food and I didn’t speak up because I didn’t eat fast food.
Then they came for people who ate meat, (as a side note many health activists say meat today is where cigarettes were 10 years ago, so in 10 years are John Crawford and the health Nazis going to ban the eating of meat in a public place?) and I didn’t speak up because I didn’t eat meat.
Then they came for the people eating deep-fried Snickers bars at the Three Rivers Festival and I didn’t speak up because I didn’t eat deep-fried Snickers bars.
Then they shut down our churches because they were unhealthy and would not bow to our new idols and I didn’t speak up because I didn’t go to church.
Then they shut down all the ice cream shops for being unhealthy and I didn’t speak up because I didn’t eat ice cream.
Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak up for me.

Geez, another Nazi/smoking ban comparison.

So this guy is a Nonsmoker, nonbusiness owner, Nondrinker, non fast food eater, vegetarian, non dessert eater atheist. Why would they come for you? Apparently you don't do anything.

So this guy thinks just because people can not smoke inside anymore, they are going to shut down churchs, I guess thats the natural progression.

I also think this person needs to figure out what a paraphrase is. I highly doubt Niemoeller meant 'deep fried snicker bar eaters' when he said 'trade unionists'


David C Roach said...

dont blame me, I voted for roach, and you should have too..

Anonymous said...

Way to completely miss the point.

Change Fort Wayne said...

CFW or the editorial writer?

Or did we miss the point that there a bunch of people making terrible analogies and are taking 'the sky is falling' approach to complaining about the smoking ban.

By the By New Hampshire just went smoke free.

Anonymous said...

I moved to Indiana from Michigan recently. I don't know much about you Hoosiers yet, but I know you're independent and don't take orders from nobody (I apologize for the double negative).

Yet, when it comes to the smoking ban, I've never seen so many people advocate Indiana should do it because New York does it, or California, or New Hampshire.

There are valid reasons for a smoking ban. But I doubt one of them is because New Hampshire did it. This from a state that didn't accept daylight savings time until the 21st century.

Anonymous said...

One more thing, CFW is the undisputed king of terrible analogies. I guess you know 'em when you see 'em.