Saturday, May 12, 2007

My Post Primary Thought

I found this picture on Kelty's website. Its Kelty standing next to his illegally sized sign. I imagine with the short sightedness of people, the violations will probably be forgotten about. The apparent disregard to rules that happened during the primary season need to be examined. There were several things I remember people complaining about (both parties, all candidates). The new comer, Kelty, stick out in my mind though - Sign sizes and the poll that still has mystery contributors. Violations have to have consequences or why else would we set up regulations?


Change Fort Wayne said...

Are we all too apathetic to comment on the lackadaisical way the primary was handled?

Anonymous said...

This photo is classic - especially Kelty himself posing proudly next to his illegally over-sized campain sign.

I wonder, did Kelty knowingly partake in this blatant display of the city’s sign ordinance. Apparently, he must think certain ordinances do not apply to him. Even after being notified that the sign clearly violated this ordinance, the sign remained up for quite some time.

Why was this ?

Anonymous said...

Shortly after the sign was hung, I personally called the Kelty campaign and talked to "Audrey".
She indicated they were aware the sign was illegal but they were waiting for "official" notification from the City before they took the sign down.

I commented that Kelty declared himself to be a Christian, a good Catholic, so why would he blatantly
allow something to occur when he knew it was in violation of the sign laws and she again said that they were waiting for "official" notification from the City.

I, too, am a good Christian- even a Catholic, but if I knew something I was doing was illegal or that someone was doing something on my behalf was illegal,you bet I would rectify the situation immediately.

To have his picture next to the illegal sign and plastered on his website was a sign that Kelty believes he is above the law.

I will be voting for Henry in the Fall and I am a registered Republican!

Anonymous said...

I believe Mr. Kelty had many campaign violations, but for some reason, got away with all of them. I think the press really liked Kelty, because they pretty much left all his transgressions alone. I find it ironic though, that after the primary, Tracy Warner basically said that Keltys plan for lowering taxes is full of crap. So is everything else he said. Someone really should nail him on all the things he promised in the campaign. Lower Taxes! Smaller Government! Exactly what is his plan for this? Why didn't the people of Fort Wayne see through this crap?