Friday, April 6, 2007

My thoughts on Kelty's Press Release


Anonymous said...

Kelty will call a press conference to announce he has gas. He has no money left so this is his only way of getting his name out there. It amazes me that the media hasn't caught on.

brian spaulding said...

Does anyone else think that the poll also asked something along the lines of, "Who do you plan to vote for in the primary, Peters or Kelty?"

Zogby mentioned that the poll was focused on voters most likely to vote in a republican primary.

It would make sense that this question was asked as well and the answer has yet to be released.

Anonymous said...

Brian, of course that is the reason he took the poll (oops, I'm sorry, SOMEONE ELSE TOOK THE POLL). If you (sorry, again, SOMEONE) is paying to poll issues 5 weeks before an election they are also polling the race itself.

Rule of thumb: release results of a poll if you're ahead. Refuse to release results ("poll? what poll? the only poll that counts is on election day") if you're behind.

Corollary #1: release results of portions of the poll that reinforce your position - or can be twisted to sound like they reinforce your position.

Corollary #2: act like the stork dropped the results at your doorstep and hope no one looks at the campaign finance reports very closely.

Anonymous said...

News Sentinel rewarded Kelty's shoddiness and incorrect press release with a front page above the fold headline. Does he have a relative at the newspapers because he gets more free positive press than any politician in history.

Something smells about his failure to release who paid for the poll.

Anonymous said...

I agree that if the poll showed Kelty close to Peters he would release the results to let everybody know that David was on the heels of Goliath and he needs everyones help to slay the giant. If he were ahead, he would say, see my message of "no progress status quo and eventually death will relieve us of our misery" is resonating.

So my guess is that the numbers show that he is on his way to a thorough whoopin' so he has desperately played his big card. He is attempting to make the election a referendum on Harrison Square.

But no one issue will offset his many other weaknesses.

Anonymous said...

Why are all of the details coming from and not

Anonymous said...

Angry White Boy is Kelty's future chief of staff

Old Fort 83 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Old Fort 83 said...

I thought the angrywhiteboy site was an affilate of That is to say, they are one in the same. No?

Anonymous said...

Does Kelty have the basic judgment necessary to be mayor if he is referring peoople to for information on his campaign. This is wrong and weird on so many levels.

David C Roach said...

politicians take polls, and dance around them.
we end up getting the "Pole" in terms of more taxes, and less freedoms.
Kelty Has tons more Experience working for Senators Lugar and Coats than Nelson peters.
Besides, Nelson Peters wants to take your guns away- his HQ is in the Helmke building, and his pal Paul- Brady gun grabbers.
just my opinion. thank you.