People have asked me if those signs are real, unfortunately yes they are. Click here
This is more than a spelling mistake. Fort Wayne is stooping to new lows. Comparing a movement to improve quality of life in Fort Wayne to those who sought (and succeeded) to end lives of millions. This is a comparison I probably would have thought up if I were in the 7th grade.
It truly is a sad day in Fort Wayne. If I were an outside company thinking about locating in Fort Wayne and saw yesterday's newspaper, I would pack up and leave town. Remember the Men's Health article, ZING, right back at you Fort Wayne. I am personally ashamed.
The fact that no one in the media (SOMEONE PLEASE PICK THIS UP) has even mentioned the moronic statements as errors, even when picking the argument apart has failed to mention the ignorance of the statement. Click here
I am going to point out a couple of things -
1. The obvious misspelling of the work 'Genocide'
2. 'Genocide' is a noun, for you poster makers out there, that means Person, place or thing. You are using it as a verb - action.
3. The definition of genocide - "the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group." Poster makers - which one are you claiming to be? Smoker Nation, The Smoking Race, The Smoking party, or the Smoking Culture?
I am all for personal opinions and the freedom of speech, but opinions and speech become jokes when they aren't well thought out. Moreover, people do not listen to you or do not take you seriously.
Dumbest City-ZING
Fattest City-ZING
This is sad.
Unbelievable. They want to kill themselves earlier by smoking and want to spread that to other people. The miserable people in Fort Wayne and their 1950s mentality. Get a clue.
Wow! Great post! Couldn't have possibly said it better myself. What a disappointment for our city!
Wonder what smoke-filled room they were in when they dreamed up this campaign. Do you think the smoke got in their eyes and that's what made them misspell genocide?
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