To quote a great movie, "Desperation is a Stinky Cologne"
The Punding Hoosier is posting emails about calls of support for the Harrison Square project.
And another blog posting emails claiming a supporter of HS is a proponent because he is trying to profiteer off of real estate downtown.
My question for Pundy is if there is any difference in Kelty e-mailing me and asking for my support in the primary or Vera Bradley asking me to support their fight against breast cancer? There isn't anything wrong with informing people of whats going on.
Also, for Mr. Corcoran to profit off of a building downtown, it would mean he would be selling the building. This would inevitably mean he was moving his business elsewhere.
Dave Corcoran is doing nothing wrong and in fact is doing exactly what business owners who support this project SHOULD be doing. He has been looking for Downtown Real Estate for quite some time and he plans on moving his business Downtown...
Mike Sylvester
But then Dan Turkette is an asshole and he can simply invent fault with anyone who is doing nothing wrong, so why should Corcoran be exempt from his bullshit?
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