This sparks a great idea. The one thing that Fort Wayne is missing downtown and we have them all over the place is buffet. But being downtown, we couldn't just do a regular buffet, we'd have to do a MEGA BUFFET (echo, echo, echo)! One with feed bag troughs as far as the eye could see. They could range in different ethnic types of foods. Yes, we could have the Piere's of the food industry. Midwest's largest buffet - 5 buffets under one roof. Of course we'd have to bring back the dollar, dollar, dollar specials.

Alright, honestly - not a big fan of buffets. Mass produced food, sub par tasting to boot. We all know that FW people need a 5th and 6th helping of high calorie/sodium food. Question - Why is it that when people in Fort Wayne think of it as a Option 1 or Option 2 type deal when it comes to downtown FW? Are we that pressed for room in the asphalt jungle that we couldn't do HS, eateries, water park, grocery store, and an ice rink? OH WAIT, thats the point, build HS and spark more interest in development downtown. Please stop insinuating that pro-downtown people are going to build HS and say, "that's it, mission accomplished, thanks and goodnight." Also, could you imagine the outrage if we used CRED, TIF, and CEDIT money to fund a 'mega eatery'? I mean its like asking to publicly finance Piere's Annex Part Deux. If you believe that a downtown 'fill in the blank' is an excellent idea. There are avenues to get the money, there are organizations set up to help you get the money and start the business venture - even agencies that are specifically targeted downtown. But wait, I forgot, that involves risk - and I forgot that we only pursue 'sure things'.
A Super Mega Buffet would go bonkers downtown. Although, I strongly believe when one is partaking in a buffet, they should NOT have to get a clean plate before returning for seconds and thirds and so on...
This would be a HIT.
Can we attach this to the HS project?
"ahhhhhhhh" the troughs at wrigley after a few Old Style's.
Mega-Troughs video
(Not really Wrigley by the way)
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