In light of all the polls coming out and credibility being thrown out the window on all counts, here at CFW we commissioned our own scientific poll. Without further delay here are our results:
chart 1- your taxes over time in fort wayne- to pay for all this "economic development graph 2. the growing gap between the cost of living hikes- gas- food, insurance, etc; and your wages, and raises. graph 3 my bac/thc blood level chart 4. standard grade bell curve, adjusted for todays local residents- most are really stupid, ignorant, and gullible dullards. a few of the higher percentiles exhibit somewhat normal intelligence, and the lower percentile are either retarded, idiots, morons, senile, or illiterate because they cant read or write "the kings english", cant do math, or cant tell when they're being b's.d. dang! I'm a regular ross perot! amused?
Did Matt Kelty conduct these?
This look like a Kelty poll?
Who paid for these to be conducted?
All polls paid for and conducted by the not-for-profit group "Citizens for the Reimplementation of Natural Gas Lighting."
Your poll looks as good as Kelty's and you even told who paid for it; you are a step up.
chart 1- your taxes over time in fort wayne- to pay for all this "economic development
graph 2. the growing gap between the cost of living hikes- gas- food, insurance, etc; and your wages, and raises.
graph 3 my bac/thc blood level
chart 4. standard grade bell curve, adjusted for todays local residents- most are really stupid, ignorant, and gullible dullards. a few of the higher percentiles exhibit somewhat normal intelligence, and the lower percentile are either retarded, idiots, morons, senile, or illiterate because they cant read or write "the kings english", cant do math, or cant tell when they're being b's.d.
dang! I'm a regular ross perot!
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