Sunday, April 22, 2007

My Coverup Alert

I've only got a second here so I'll make this quick.

I think the revealing of the funding of Kelty's poll stinks of lies.

Does anyone believe that Rost acted alone?

Just look what what has transpired -

Kelty has refered to men (plural) paying for the poll.
Kelty said he knew of one of the men that paid for the poll.
The reported cost of the Zogby Poll (Rost's contribution) was roughly 5K, doesn't that seem a little cheap?

All I'm saying is their had to be another funder(s), possibly in the grassy knoll.


Anonymous said...

The rationale behind giving [the data] to Kelty was really funny.

To paraphrase, "There were enough HS proponents with soapboxes in town, so I wanted to give this data to the only guy who has been adamantly opposed to HS since the word go. I figured he could best use this heavily skewed and ridiculously overemphasized study to rally some status-quo troops."

There's one thing that people need to remember about the "status-quo," and that is the fact that "status-quo" is generated by a mix of complacency and fear. Fear of change, and lack of desire to adapt to the changes.

Welcome to Fort Wayne. We are so opposed to change that the only thing that gets us up off our butts for more than 2 minutes at a time is the unfaltering defense of "the way things have always been."

Yesterday, Robert Enders (who has to be the frumpiest 20-something I've ever been exposed to) made a comment on FW Observed that "Some people are trying to think outside the box so much they forget why the box was there to start with." Spoken like a true 75-year-old, Silent Bob. I'm surprised you didn't rally a lot more support in your recent campaign, because there are nursing homes all over the place and they'd like that kind of attitude.

Am I rambling?

Ok, I'll stop. I need an ice cream sandwich.

Anonymous said...

It's too bad Americans were so fearful and complacent that they decided to join Europe in defending the status quo, instead of embracing the change offered by Hitler.

Get a dictionary Jimmy. Word have meaning. You don't know that yet.

Anonymous said...

This post has now been officially Godwinned.

Change Fort Wayne said...

last two anons - what?

Anonymous said...

CFW, isn't it Godwin's law that ANY internet discussion thread, if lasting long enough, inevitably ends with a reference to Nazis? I've also seen it called argument ad hitlerem.

Anonymous said...

Indeed, word have meanings, anonymous. Word really do have meanings.

Andrew Kaduk said...

Why exactly does a "right to life" organization have such a peculiar interest in mayoral politics? It occurred to me today that a local mayor has virtually no influence on Federal Constitutional law whatsoever. Any clues?

Anonymous said...

Come on, Andrew, don't you know how many abortions are performed EVERY DAY in the Mayor's Office?

David C Roach said...

I think we have all been played by the kelty campaign, to his amusement.
al this "who fathered the poll" is akin to the tabloid flap about who fathered dannni lynn nicole smith.

meanwhile, Nelson peters wants to take your guns away, and nobody has called him on it. And this is relevant, because whomever the Mayor selects to be his police chief, will be the one deciding the level of police state rule- a cop on every corner, or complaint driven.
furthermore, the FWPD police chief approves or disapproves your CCW permit to carry (you need permission to exercise your constitutional rights)- and if the FWPD police chief rejects your permit application, for any or no reason, then you are effectively denied your 2nd amendment rights- and are not in the cross-hairs of the PD- "getting illegal guns off the streets"; and if you carry, and need to use it to protect yourself, or are stopped for traffic "probably because; then you are going to jail. automatically.
which is why I am harping on this subject so much.
NELSON PETERS WANTS TO TAKE YOU GUNS AWAY-because he will do whatever his sponsor- Paul Helmke tells him to do- like a good little waffle-puppet.

Anonymous said...

Dear David Roach - Your an ass, please shut up forever.